May 2024
Lots of exciting lab news as we gear up for the summer!
Shahd El Tahrawi received an Undergraduate Student Research Award from the Faculty of Arts and Science to complete a summer internship in the lab examining students’ needs in the aftermath of being harmed by their peers. Congratulations, Shahd!
Laura Pareja Conto and Dr. Recchia were interviewed about their recent publication in Political Psychology. You can read the interview here: “Youths’ attitudes in post-conflict Colombia reflect both cynicism and hope for peace, new Concordia research shows”
We are also thrilled to share that Tiffany Konov won the award for best fast 5 presentation by a graduate student at the McGill Summer Institute for School Psychology conference. Congratulations, Tiffany!
Finally, last but not least, Emilie Chodat and Laura Pareja Conto had the pleasure of presenting their work at the annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society in Toronto, Ontario. Both of them had a fun and stimulating experience!
April 2024
Dr. Recchia gave a plenary address at the annual Human Development Conference at McGill University.
Laura Pareja Conto, Zoe Adler, and Dr. Recchia presented their work at the meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence in Chicago, Illinois. This was also a fun opportunity to connect with some of our collaborators!
March 2024
We are pleased to announce that Emilie Chodat was the winner of the award for best poster by an undergraduate student at the annual meeting of the Centre for Research in Human Development. Congratulations, Emilie!
January 2024
To start this new year, we thought we’d take the time to especially recognize Kerem Araboglu, Jaclyn Ohayon, and Laura Pareja Conto for successfully defending their Master’s theses. Congratulations on all your hard work!
December 2023
Kerem Araboglu and Christine Kinsley had the pleasure of presenting their work at the 2nd annual Sibling Studies International Colloquium.
June 2023
We are happy to announce that Zoe Adler was awarded an FRQ-SC Undergraduate Initiation to Research Scholarship to complete a project this summer in the RAD lab. Zoe will be investigating parents’ perceptions of the risks involved in their children’s prosociality, and the strategies they propose for navigating these experiences. Congratulations to Zoe, and stay tuned to hear more about her findings!
May 2023
We are very pleased to announce that Laura Pareja Conto has been awarded the Relève étoile Paul-Gérin-Lajoie award from the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ) for her publication, “Adolescents’ Retributive and Restorative Orientations in Response to Intergroup Harms in Schools”. We look forward to your continued success!
April 2023
Congratulations to RAD Lab undergraduate student Jasmine Manan who was awarded the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Undergraduate Student Research Award. She will be completing a project under the supervision of Dr. Karen Li in the Department of Psychology. Best wishes, Jasmine!
November 2022
We are thrilled to announce that Laura Pareja Conto recently won the Concordia Stand-Out Research Award for her publication in the Journal of Research on Adolescence ( Congratulations, Laura!
September 2022
We’re happy to announce a new study in the lab, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). This multi-phase project will examine youths’ and educators’ perspectives on accountability and justice in their schools. Stay tuned!
May 2022
Congratulations to our very own Nasim Tavassoli, Ph.D. who has successfully defended her doctoral thesis. The Rad Lab wishes Dr. Tavassoli nothing but the best in her future endeavours down in the Maritimes. You will be greatly missed!
March 2022
Congratulations to our lab alumni Julie Guindon and Teresa Pirro who will both be continuing their studies at McGill University this coming Fall. Julie will be starting her Ph.D. in School/Applied Child Psychology, while Teresa will be starting her MA in Counselling Psychology. Congratulations are also in order for our lab coordinator Gabrielle Leclerc who will be pursuing her MA in Experimental Psychology at the University of Montreal. Best of luck in their future studies!
January 2022
Supported by a Michael Smith Foreign Study supplement from SSHRC, Laura Pareja Conto is escaping the Canadian Winter and is headed to Bogotá, Colombia to collect new data. Enjoy your trip!
December 2021
After an unplanned 2-year absence, we’re finally back! To quote The Tragically Hip, “it’s been a long time coming “. To get the ball rolling again, we thought we’d take the time to recognize all the students who defended their master’s thesis “pandemic style”. Congratulations for all your hard work and perseverance throughout these trying times. You can all be very proud of your accomplishments!
Special congratulations are also in order to the RAD lab’s very first doctoral graduate, Alyssa Scirocco, Ph.D. Within the span of a few weeks, not only did Dr. Scirocco successfully defend her thesis, but she also welcomed a little baby girl. Best wishes to the new family!
RAD Lab Holiday Brunch 2021
May 2019
Angelica Restrepo and Holly Recchia had the chance to visit schools in Bogota to conduct a series of workshops. They talked with teens, their parents, and their teachers about what it means to trust someone, whether trusting a person is the same as trusting the government, and how parents and teachers can help to support children’s trust in the most adaptive ways that recognize their (often difficult) lived experiences.
Thanks also to Angelica Alvarez for all of her help!
April 2019
Nasim Tavassoli, Angelica Restrepo, Mawuena Badasu and Melissa Commisso presented their research at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, SRCD (Baltimore, Maryland, USA).
March 2019
Anna Saint-Martin, Sandra Silva, Julie Guidon and Caroline Pawelczyk presented their research at the 41st annual meeting of SQRP (Mont-Tremblant, QC).
November 2018
Nasim Tavassoli and Alyssa Scirocco presented their work at the Association for Moral Education (Barcelona, Spain).
August, 2018
Angelica set off on a three-month research internship at Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, supervised by Dr. Laura Taylor. This work is supported by a Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement from SSHRC. We will miss her, but we are excited that she will have a chance to experience this amazing research opportunity!
July, 2018
Julia Renauld presented a poster based on her Concordia Undergraduate Student Research Award at the International Congress of Applied Psychology in Montreal. Congrats, Julia!
May, 2018
Along with the wonderful Natalie Fletcher from Brila Youth Projects, Dr. Recchia co-organized a two-day workshop for adults and children to reflect on their conceptions of childhood. Special thanks to our invited guests, Drs. David Kennedy (Montclair State University), Walter Kohan (State University of Rio de Janiero), and Michel Sasseville (Université Laval). Check out the amazing zine that emerged from this work!
May, 2018
Dr. Recchia, Fatima Inigo, Julia Renauld, Alyssa Scirocco, and Nasim Tavassoli presented work at Development 2018 in Saint Catharines, ON. We are especially proud of Fatima, who presented a paper for the first time at a National conference (and rocked it!).
May, 2018
Nasim Tavassoli received an FRQ-SC doctoral fellowship to support her dissertation research. Congratulations to Nasim!
May, 2018
Many members of the lab had a great time participating as presenters and supportive audience members at the annual Emotional Competence Symposium, sponsored by the Fond de Recherche – Societé et Culture.
April, 2018
Shannon Maingot received a Concordia Undergraduate Student Research Award to conduct a project in the lab over the summer. Way to go, Shannon!
Congratulations are also in order for Julia Renauld and Claudia Royea for successfully completing honors thesis projects!
March, 2018
Angelica Restrepo presented her thesis proposal at the Psychology and Peace Conference at the University of Notre Dame. We are so excited to learn about her results – stay tuned!
March, 2018
Dr. Recchia and Nasim Tavassoli presented at the Society for Research in Child Development in Austin, TX. We are especially proud of Nasim for putting together a wonderful contribution to a symposium on sibling other-orientedness as a context for socio-emotional development.
September 2017
Angelica Restrepo got a SSHRC CGS-Master’s scholarship for her master’s thesis! Congratulations Angelica!
March 25, 2017
Monique Riedel and Malene Bodington presented their work at the 39th annual meeting of SRQP (Montreal, QC).
December 5, 2016
Olivia Faulconbridge successfully defended her MA thesis entitled Children’s and Adolescents’ Peer Relationships as Contexts for Forgiveness and Nonforgiveness . Way to go, Olivia!
December 2, 2016
Ma-ab Witwit successfully defended her MA thesis entitled Parents’ Understanding of Siblings’ Conflict Goals in Early and Middle Childhood. Congratulations Ma-ab!
October 15, 2016
Dr. Recchia was elected to the Board of Directors of the Jean Piaget Society (2017-2020).
June 9, 2016
Olivia Faulconbridge, Monique Riedel, Alyssa Scirocco, and Nasim Tavassoli presented their work at the annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society (Chicago, IL).
May 18, 2016
Dr. Recchia’s daughter Lucie Kate made a safe arrival!
Welcome to the world, Lucie.
May, 2016
Dr. Recchia (along with a number of her colleagues in Education, PI: Ann-Louise Davidson) received a Curriculum Innovation grant to interdisciplinary problem-based blended learning in departmental qualitative and quantitative methodology courses.
May, 2016
Dr. Recchia (with Drs. Melanie Dirks and Cecilia Wainryb) received a SSHRC Insight Grant entitled Understanding children’s and adolescents’ emotional experiences of peer injury and their implications for parental responses.
March 31, 2016
Olivia Faulconbridge, Alyssa Scirocco, and Daysi Zentner presented their research at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (Baltimore, MD).
March 19, 2016
Olivia Faulconbridge and Daysi Zentner represented our lab at the Concordia University Department of Education Graduate Symposium.
November 18, 2015
Nasim Tavassoli and Daysi Zentner participated in a research blitz organized by the équipe de recherche sur la competence emotionelle (funded by FRQ-SC). It was a great opportunity for us to engage in a multidisciplinary exchange on the theme of emotional competence and to learn about the interesting work being conducted by our colleagues.
Research Blitz group photo with the members of the Emotional Competence Team
November 9, 2015
Our research on the topic of sibling conflict was profiled in an article published in La Presse.
September 30, 2015
Dr. Recchia gave an invited address at an event to honour the inauguration of the doctoral program at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogota.
September 5, 2015
Vanesa Sarmiento presented her research at the Conferencia Regional Latinoamericana de Psicología – Congreso Colombiano de Psicología.