Please contact the PI to request copies of any publications listed below.
*denotes undergraduate or graduate student co-author
Peer Reviewed Articles
Pareja Conto, L.*, Velez, G., Restrepo, A.*, Recchia. H. E., Posada, R., & Wainryb, C. (2024). Colombian youths’ perspectives on the armed conflict and possibilities for ways forward. Political Psychology.
Restrepo, A.*, Pareja Conto, L.*, Recchia, H. E., Posada, R., Velez, G., Wainryb, C. (2024). Colombian youths’ reasoning about retributive and restorative justice in the 2016 Peace Accord: Associations with trust. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Tavassoli, N.*, Recchia, H. E., & Dunfield, K. (2023). Children’s and adolescents’ judgments of the desirability and obligatoriness of prosocial action: Variations across helping, sharing, and comforting. Cognitive Development, 68, 101377.
Velez, G., Sack, J., Pareja Conto, L.*, Beckman, K., & Recchia, H. (2023). Relational Accountability within Restorative Justice: Promoting Healing, Learning, and Growth. Education Practice Brief, American Psychological Association Division 15.
Lahat, A., Perlman, M., Howe, N., Recchia, H. E., Bukowski, W. M., Luo, Z., & Ross, H. (2023). Change over time in interactions between unfamiliar toddlers. International Journal of Behavioural Development, 47, 21-34.
Pareja Conto*, L., Restrepo*, A., Recchia, H., Wainryb, C. & Velez, G. (2023). Adolescents’ retributive and restorative orientations in response to intergroup harms in schools. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 33, 92-107.
Tavassoli*, N., Dunfield, K., Kleis, A., Recchia, H., & Pareja Conto, L.* (2023). Preschoolers’ responses to prosocial opportunities during naturalistic interactions with peers: A cross-cultural comparison. Social Development, 32, 204-222.
Saint-Martin, A.*, Badasu, M.*, Recchia, H., Wainrybm C., & Dirks, M. (2023). Children’s and adolescents’ conversations with mothers about offenders’ and victims’ responsibility for harm in their experiences of being hurt by a peer. Social Development, 32, 135-151.
Lahat, A., Luo, Z., Perlman, M., Howe, N., Santo, J. B., Recchia, H. E., Bukowski, W. M., & Ross, H. (2022). Positive and negative actions early in the relationship predict later interactions among toddlers. PLOS ONE, 17.
Scirocco, A.*, & Recchia, H. E. (2022). Links between adolescents’ moral mindsets and narratives of their inconsistent and consistent moral value experiences. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 2368-2382.
Luo, Z., Lahat, A., Perlman, M., Howe, N., Recchia, H. E., Bukowski, W. M., & Ross, H. (2022). Changes in social pretend play as toddlers form relationships with peers. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 68(3).
Savard, M., Badasu, M., & Recchia, H. E. (2021). Young mothers of Northern Uganda: A longitudinal study of individual and collective agency within a participatory program. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 27(4), 588-596.
Scirocco, A.*, & Recchia, H. (2021). Context specificity in adolescents’ implicit theories of morality. Cognitive Development, 60, 101-112.
Martin-Storey, A., Santo, J., Recchia, H. E., Chilliak, S., Nardi, H., & da Cunha, J. (2021). Gender minoritized students and academic engagement in Brazilian adolescents: Risk and protective factors. Journal of School Psychology, 86, 120-132.
Recchia, H. E., Wainryb, C., & Posada, R*. (2020). The Juxtaposition of Revenge and Forgiveness in Peer Conflict Experiences of Youth Exposed to Violence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 30, 956-969.
Velez, G., Hahn, M., Recchia, H., & Wainryb, C. (2020). Rethinking responses to youth rebellion: Recent growth and development of restorative practices in schools. Current Opinions in Psychology, 35, 36-40.
Recchia, H. E., Wainryb, C., Dirks, M., Riedel, M.*, & Bodington, M.* (2020). Distinctions between experiences of anger and sadness in children’s and adolescents’ narrative accounts of peer injury. Social Development, 29, 871-887.
Martin-Storey, A., Recchia, H. E., & Santo, J. (2020). Self-continuity buffers the association between sexual-minority satus based discrimination and depressive symptoms. Journal of Homosexuality, 68, 2075-2096.
Cirelli, L., Peiris, R., Tavassoli, N.*, Recchia, H., & Ross, H. (2020). It takes two to tango: Preschool siblings’ musical play and prosociality in the home. Social Development, 29, 964-975.
Wainryb, C., Recchia, H. E., Faulconbridge, O.*, & Pasupathi, M. (2020). To err is human: Forgiveness across childhood and adolescence. Social Development, 29, 509-525.
Recchia, H. E., Wainryb, C., & Pasupathi, M. (2019). “I wanted to hurt her”: Children’s and adolescents’ experiences of desiring and seeking revenge in their own peer conflicts. Social Development, 28, 840-853.
Tavassoli, N.*, Recchia, H. E., & Ross, H. (2019). Preschool children’s prosocial responsiveness to their siblings’ needs in naturalistic interactions: A longitudinal study. Early Education and Development, 30, 724-742.
Kozak, S.*, & Recchia, H. E. (2019). Reading and the development of social understanding: Implications for the Literacy classroom. The Reading Teacher, 72, 569-577.
Dirks, M., Recchia, H. E., Estabrook, R., Howe, N., Petitclerc, A., Burns, J., Briggs-Gowan, M., Wakschlag, L. (2019). Differentiating typical from atypical perpetration of sibling-directed aggression during the preschool years. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60, 267-276.
Scirocco, A.*, Recchia, H. E., Wainryb, C., & Pasupathi, M. (2018). Conversations about children’s transgressions against siblings and friends: Are maternal moral socialization strategies sensitive to relationship context? Social Development, 27, 910-923.
Santo, J. B., Martin-Storey, A., Recchia, H. E., & Bukowski, W. M. (2018). Self-continuity moderates the association between peer victimization and depressed affect. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28, 875-887.
Komolova, M., Wainryb, C., & Recchia, H. E. (2017). “She had a reason to be concerned”: Youth making sense of mothers’ and friends’ conflict perspectives. Cognitive Development, 43, 201-213.
Recchia, H. E., & Witwit, M.* (2017). Family perspectives on siblings’ conflict goals in middle childhood: Links to hierarchical and affective features of sibling relationships. In N. Campione-Barr (Ed.), Power, control, and influence in sibling relationships across development. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 156, 33-48.
Howe, N., Adrien, E.*, DellaPorta, S.*, Peccia, S.*, Recchia, H. E., Osana, H., & Ross, H. (2016). “Infinity means it goes on forever”: Siblings’ teaching of mathematics during naturalistic home interactions. Infant and Child Development, 25, 137-157.
Abuhatoum, S.*, Howe, N., DellaPorta, S.*, Recchia, H. E., & Ross, H. (2016). Siblings’ understanding of teaching in early and middle childhood: “Watch me and you’ll know how to do it.” Journal of Cognition and Development, 17, 180-196.
Howe, N., Della Porta, S.*, Recchia, H. E., & Ross, H. (2016). “Because if you don’t put the top on, it will spill”: A longitudinal study of sibling teaching in early childhood. Developmental Psychology, 52, 1832-1842.
Dirks, M., Persram, R.*, Recchia, H. E., & Howe, N. (2015). Sibling relationships as sources of risk and resilience in the development and maintenance of internalizing and externalizing problems during childhood and adolescence. Clinical Psychology Review, 42, 144-155.
Recchia. H. E., Rajput, A.*, & Peccia, S.* (2015). Children’s interpretations of ambiguous provocation from their siblings: Comparisons to peers and links to relationship quality. Social Development, 24, 782-797.
Recchia, H. E., Wainryb, C., Bourne, S.*, & Pasupathi, M. (2015). Children’s and adolescents’ accounts of helping and hurting: Lessons about the development of moral agency. Child Development, 86, 864-876.
Howe, N., DellaPorta, S.,* Recchia, H. E., Funamoto, A.*, & Ross, H. (2015). “This bird can’t do it ‘cause this bird doesn’t swim in water”: Sibling teaching during naturalistic home observations in early childhood. Journal of Cognition and Development, 16, 314-332.
Peer Reviewed Encyclopedia and Book Chapters
Howe, N., Kinsley, C.,* & Recchia, H. (under contract). Siblings and socio-emotional development. In Développement social et émotionnel chez l’enfant et l’adolescent (2nd edition).
Velez, G., & Recchia, H. E. (in press). Justice and fairness with a restorative lens for healing and peace. In R. Niemiec (Ed.), Character strengths and peace psychology: Foundations and integration for science and practice. Peace Psychology Book Series (D. J. Christie, Ed.). Springer.
Recchia, H. E., Sack, J. K., & Pareja Conto, L.* (2024). Restorative justice as a context for moral education in K-12 schools. In L. Nucci, W. Thompson & T. Krettenauer (Eds), Handbook of Moral and Character Education (3rd Edition). Routledge.
Howe, N., & Recchia, H. E., & Kinsley, C.* (2023; revised edition). Sibling relations and their impact on children’s development. In R. E. Tremblay, R. G. Barr, & R. Peters (Eds.), Encyclopedia on early child development. Centre of Excellence for Early Child Development.
Recchia, H., Wainryb, C., & Pareja Conto, L*. (2022). Taking a developmental perspective on restorative justice in schools. In G. Velez & T. Gavrielides (Eds.), Restorative justice: Promoting peace and well-being. Springer.
Howe, N., Paine, A., Ross, H., & Recchia, H. (2022). Sibling relations in early and middle childhood. In P. Smith & C. Hart (Eds.), Handbook of childhood social development, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
Recchia, H., & Wainryb, C. (2022). The role of conversations in moral development. In M. Killen & J. Smetana (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Development, 3rd edition. Routledge.
Howe, N., Persram, R. J., & Recchia, H. E. (2020). Siblings and sibling rivalry. In M. M. Haith & J. B. Benson (Eds.), Encyclopedia on infant and early childhood development (2nd edition). Elsevier.
Wainryb, C., & Recchia, H. E. (2018). ´¿Le golpeaste la cara contra el piso y la pateaste?`: Conversaciones entre madres e hijos, y su contribución a la socialización moral. [You slammed her face on the floor and kicked her? Conversations between mothers and childlren and their contribution to moral socialization] In A. Barreiro (Ed.), Representaciones sociales, prejuicio y relaciones con los otros: La construcción del conocimiento social y moral [Social representations, prejudice, and relationships with others: The construction of social and moral knowledge] (pp. 107-125). UNIPE.
Dirks, M. A., Dunfield, K. A., & Recchia, H. E. (2018). Prosocial behavior with peers: Intentions, outcomes, and interpersonal adjustment. In W. Bukowski, B. Laursen, & K. H. Rubin, Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relationships and Groups. Guilford Press.
Wainryb, C., & Recchia, H. E. (2017). Mother-child conversations about children’s moral wrongdoing: A constructivist perspective on moral socialization. In N. Budwig, E. Turiel, & P. Zelazo (Eds.), New perspectives on human development: Rethinking cognitive, social, and language & communicative development (pp. 182-208). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Recchia, H. E. & Howe, N. (2016). Sibling relationships. In D. Couchenour & J. K. Chrisman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education (pp. 1226-1227). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Wainryb, C., & Recchia, H. E. (2015). Youths’ constructions of meanings about experiences with political conflict: Implications for processes of identity development. In K. McLean & M. Syed (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Identity Development (pp. 369-386). New York: Oxford University Press.
Edited Volumes
Recchia, H. E., & Wainryb, C. (Eds.) (2021). Revenge across Childhood and Adolescence. Cambridge University Press.
Wainryb, C. & Recchia, H. E. (Eds.) (2014). Talking about right and wrong: Parent-child conversations as contexts for moral development. Cambridge University Press.